NDF VIDEOSThis resource is being constantly updated. More videos are available on our YouTube channel Skip to Videos All | Online Sessions | NDF23 | Special Presentations | NDF22 | NDF 2019 | NDF 2018 | NDF22, NDF22 | Courtney Johnston Opening Address NDF22, Keynote address | Anna Fifield NDF22, Lightning Talks | Bringing tribal GLAM workforces home for the aspirations of iwi NDF22, Lightning Talks | Looking for Māoriland NDF22, Lightning Talks | GLAMs, Wikipedia and Aotearoa New Zealand's Histories NDF22, Lightning Talks | Te Au The Current NDF22, Adventures in Creating Original Virtual Reality Content with Limited Resources, Time and Budget NDF22, Keynote address | Mā ngā tikanga e arahina: Being guided by good principles NDF22, Living City - Data as a creative storytelling medium at Auckland Museum NDF22, Launching a multiplatform museum in 2020 NDF22, Te Rua Mahara o te Kāwanatanga NDF22, Download Now... Free: The Luke Rowell Digital Music Collection NDF22, Seb Chan and Honor Harger Fireside Chat NDF22, NDF22 | Opening Address (Day 2) Honiana Love NDF22, Pacific Virtual Museum Pilot NDF22, Whoops, I think we're racist NDF22, Capability survey summary NDF22, Artificial intelligence: The legacy challenges of making heritage collections computationally ready NDF22, Co-designing an exhibition with children - can it possibly be child's play? NDF22, Use, Access, Attitude, and Status - the making of the Te Papa NZSL Mobile Guide. NDF22, Lightning Talks | Describing museum artefacts for the visually impaired. NDF22, Lightning Talks | Telling Stories in Digital Spaces: Learnings from an Online Workshop. NDF22, Lightning Talks | Wikimedia, GLAM + cultural heritage - the perfect combination! NDF22, NDF22 | Closing address Rachel Esson