Lightning Talks | Describing museum artefacts for the visually impaired.

Terri Elder, Isabella Kerby & Naomi van den Broek, Teece Museum of Classical Antiquities, Canterbury University.

The University of Canterbury Teece Museum curator and a student discuss the challenges they faced when writing audio descriptions of museum artefacts for the visually impaired. The students had to adapt their writing style for a general audience that listens to the resource, rather than reads it. They faced difficulty in describing static objects, particularly those behind glass cases. However, the end goal of reaching out to a diverse community with low-tech but interesting outcomes made it all worthwhile.

The project's success was evident in the over a dozen audio descriptions available on the museum's website, which has helped to build a community around the collection and connect with colleagues in the same field.

This is an AI generated summary. There may be inaccuracies.


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