NDF is a volunteer and non‐profit incorporated society. By becoming a member you help to support the work of NDF and contribute to the growth of digital culture and heritage in Aotearoa New Zealand.
Photo: Mark Beatty.
Access to NDF online community the NDF Hub
Discounted ticket sales for events including NDF conference
Preferential selection for events and programs
Access and discounts to NDF professional development programs
Regular updates on digital culture news and happenings
Eligible for conference scholarships and grants
Full voting rights at member meetings and NDF Board elections
Annual cost $50
Nikau memberships are open to organisations, commercial businesses and institutions. See our list of current Nikau members.
Benefits of Nikau Membership include:
Discounted staff ticket sales to events including NDF Conference
Early access to event ticket sales
Staff discounts for individual membership
Acknowledgement as a supporter of NDF
Right to nominate individuals to the NDF Board
Opportunities to be part of initiatives and developments for the profession
Join a growing network of like-minded organisations
Nikau Member Annual Pricing
Annual Nikau membership is tiered based on the number of full time employees (FTEs) in an organisation*.
Organisation Size (FTEs)
Under 10 ………………$150
10 - 49 …………………$250
50 - 99 ………………..$350
100 - 199 ……………..$500
200 + …………………..$750
Costs are exclusive of GST.
* FTEs are used as a proxy for calculating a fair membership fee based on the size and resourcing of the organisation. This is in line with other professional membership organisations.
However, we understand some organisations such as universities may have hundreds of staff working in completely unrelated departments. In this instance, you can use the number of FTEs in the GLAMIR part of your organisation, e.g. Library staff, Museum staff.
NDF Nikau Membership tiers operate on a trust model, please choose accurately and fairly.
Kauri membership is by application only. If you would like to learn more about Kauri membership please email us
Membership expired? Renew your membership to keep access to benefits, special members events and support the work of NDF.
Changed your job? Our membership portal allows you to update your contact details at any time. If you need help with the portal, check out the helpful user guides, or email us and we’ll get it sorted.