Leading Digital Transformation in Cultural Organisations
A full day workshop with Jane Finnis from Culture24 for cultural leaders and decision makers to improve digital literacy and confidence, and gain practical strategies to drive digital transformation in their organisation.
Supported by British Council Aotearoa New Zealand and the Pacific
Now more than ever cultural organisations need a digitally literate workforce that understands the ways in which digital technologies, content and culture can best serve their mission. It is down to those in leadership positions to create the right conditions to meet those challenges.
This discursive workshop will combine strategy, theory and expert insight with practical advice and peer support. It offers an approach that you can use to become an agent of change inside your own organisation.
By the end of this workshop you will have:
improved your own digital literacy and understanding
a fuller understanding of the opportunities around digital culture for your organisation
a range of inspirational yet pragmatic and relatable case studies
practical next steps to implement in your organisation
a new network of peers all tackling similar issues
The workshop uses the framings and definitions for digital activity, digital skills and digital maturity drawn from One by One project, a multi-stakeholder, University of Leicester-led, international initiative working to build digital confidence in GLAM organisations, of which Culture24 is a founding partner. Also the ‘Guide to Digital Transformation in Cultural Heritage’ produced by Culture24 with the Europeana Initiative-wide Digital Transformation Task Force.
Who should attend these workshops?
Senior leaders and decision makers from culture and heritage organisations.
What is the cost?
Tickets for the full day workshop are $500 $250 inc GST *
NDF members receive additional 10% off.
Morning tea, lunch and afternoon tea is included. Special dietary requirements will be catered for.
Each workshop is strictly limited to 20 participants
*NDF with support from British Council New Zealand and the Pacific are providing these workshops for New Zealand organisations at a 50% discount.
Who is Jane Finnis?
Jane Finnis (CEO, Culture24) is an entrepreneurial, collaborative leader who works regularly with a broad range of government, public sector, commercial, educational, charitable and voluntary organisations across the UK and internationally.
Jane joins us directly from Australia following the ACMI Future of Arts, Culture & Technology Symposium. The two-day symposium draws on the success of the multi-art form CEO Digital Mentoring program which ran throughout 2021 and 2022, and asks how those lessons might benefit the whole of the arts and culture. Read more about the symposium and register your tickets here.
What is Culture24?
Culture24 helps arts, culture, and heritage people drive positive change inside their organisations, building resilience and capacity so they can respond to the challenges and opportunities today and to come. They are an independent UK based charity and are supported by Arts Council England.
For more see culture24.org.uk
What is the British Council?
British Council builds connections, understanding and trust between people in the UK and countries worldwide. Through arts and culture, British Council Aotearoa New Zealand and the Pacific works to connect the people of Aotearoa New Zealand and the UK. The Culture Connects programme links UK cultural professionals and organisations with their international peers and audiences.
For more see britishcouncil.org.nz
”The British Council are delighted to support this project in assisting leaders in New Zealand’s GLAM sector to build their capability in organisational digital transformation.”
Financial support available
National Service Te Paerangi Travel Subsidy Grant offers subsidies for travel expenses associated with museum or gallery training in New Zealand. If your organisation represents a legally constituted, non-profit organisation such as an incorporated society or a charitable trust, you are eligible to submit applications (three per financial year) of up to $500 including GST.
Funding can support:
accommodation during the training opportunity
travel in a car, charged at the current IR mileage rates
For more information on the Travel Subsidy Grant and to apply, visit the National Services Te Paerangi website.