Preserving our pride: Archiving queer voices of Aotearoa - Valerie Love & Dr Ashwinee Pendharkar

Valerie Love and Dr Ashwinee Pendharkar present at NDF23. Valerie is Kaipupuri Pūranga Matihiko Matua Senior Digital Archivist, Ashwinee is Curator Contemporary Voices and Archives, both at Alexander Turnbull Library, Te Puna Mātauranga o Aotearoa National Library of New Zealand

Abstract is an online community repository of over 900 digital audio recordings from Aotearoa New Zealand’s Takatāpui Rainbow LGBTI communities. In 2021, founder Gareth Watkins began the journey of depositing the digital material with the Alexander Turnbull Library, which holds the archives & special collections for Te Puna Mātauranga o Aotearoa National Library of New Zealand.

This joint presentation between the Library and PrideNZ, will explore the mutually beneficial relationship between a community repository and a national institution. It will cover areas such as access, privacy, digital preservation, and the documentation of identity particularly in regards to queer and non-binary data. The presentation will also highlight some of the unexpected outcomes, including the generation of Creative Commons datasets for the collection, and use of the linked data vocabulary Homosaurus in the Library's description of the collection.


Use of te reo Māori in Cultural Heritage websites - William Minty


AI for cultural heritage - Colby Raley