Adam Moriarty: The impact of voice search on museum content
Tuesday November 19th, 2:30pm-2:55pm @ Rangimarie 2 - Breakout Room
In 2019 voice assistants (Siri, Alexa, Google Home) are now managing upwards of 1 billion tasks per month, whether playing music, providing directions, booking appointments or searching the web. While a traditional Google search would provide a user with multiple pages of results, allowing them to select the best match to their query - a voice search can only deliver one result per search. The system, whether Amazon, Google or Apple is mediating the information, sitting between our users and our content - directly selecting what to show and what to hide. So how is this going to impact museums? How should we prepare for this new model of interaction with our content?
Adam Moriarty, Auckland War Memorial Museum, Head of Collection Information